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The Freedmen's Bureau Online

Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the State of Tennessee
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1869
National Archives Microfilm Publication M999 Roll 34
"Reports of Outrages, Riots and Murders"

Aug. 5/68
Jas. M. Johnson, S. A. C.
Report of Outrages in Sub-District of Chattanooga from July 1st/67 to July 1st/68

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and A. L.
Sub. Asst. Comr. Office
Chattanooga, Tenn. Aug. 5th "68

Bvt. Maj. Genl. W. T. Carlin
Asst. Comr. Tenn.
Nashville, Tenn.


In compliance with circular letter dated A. C. O. Nashville, Tenn. July 11th, 1868 (Received July 25th, 1868) I have the honor to report that there have been (5) five cases of murder committed in this Sub District between July 1st, 1867 & July 1st, 1868, as follows.

1st - William Rogers (white) killed his wife in Chattanooga; he is in jail awaiting trial.

2nd - William Finan (white) killed his brother John Finan in Hamilton Co. William fled and has never been arrested.

3rd - Andy Williams (colored) killed Adolph Deutch (white) in Hamilton Co. Williams was tried, convicted & sentenced to be hung, execution of sentence suspended & case taken to Supreme Court on acct. of error. The prisoner is in jail.

4th - George Sively (white) killed Geo. W. Casey (colored) in Hamilton Co. No arrest has been made.

5th - John Netherland, Mitchel Johnson, William Brown & ________ Johns (all white) killed Henry Hunt (colored) near Mouse Creek, McMinn Co., Tenn. The murderers were arrested, tried by jury and although it was in proof positive that one of their number killed him the jury acquitted them.

In addition to the above there was a white man killed at Tracy City, Marion Co. and two white men in Polk Co. The murderers in all the cases left the County and have not been arrested. The names of the parties in these cases I have been unable to get.

I have failed to receive answers to several letters of inquiry concerning murders having been perpetrated in other counties of my district. Should I find any other cases I will report them.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servt.
James M. Johnson
Sub. Asst. Comr.