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The Freedmen's Bureau Online

Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the State of Louisiana
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1869.
National Archives Microfilm Publication M1027 Roll 34
"Register of Applications of Freedmen for Land"

List of Applications for Government Lands by Freedmen in accordance with Circular No. 10 - Headquarters Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, Abandoned Lands, State of Louisiana, with detailed statement.

1. Names of applicants: Frank Glover, for Freedmen. Residence and Date: New Orleans, La., Sept. 5th, 1865. Number of men: 50. Number of women: 25. Number of children: 20. Means: 47 mules, plows &c., 2,000 bbls corn, $2,500 in money. Remarks: Mules, plows & c on the place in good order. The corn to be left by the present leasee. Amt. of money specified being wages due for present years labor. 1/2 the above amt. to be invested in provisions. Desires to lease Upper Whitehead Place.

2. Names of applicants: James Morgan, Freedman. Residence and Date: New Orleans, La., September 8, 1865. Number of men: 1. Number of women: 1. Number of children: 0. Means: 1 horse cart & c., small amt. of corn & forage, $50 in money. Remarks: This applicant is a discharged soldier and desires (10) ten acres of ground or less located if possible on Metarie Ridge, Parish Jefferson.

3. Names of applicants: Stephen Hick, a Freedman. Residence and Date: New Orleans, La., Sept. 9th, 1865. Number of men: 1. Number of women: 1. Number of children: 4. Means: 35 bushels corn, $125 in money (or thereabouts). Remarks: This applicant desires (25) twenty five acres of land located if possible on Metarie Ridge, Parish Jefferson.

4. Names of applicants: Abraham Gorden, a Freedman. Residence and Date: New Orleans, La., Sept. 12th, 1865. Number of men: 1. Number of women: 1. Number of children: 3. Means: 2 horses, 1 plow & cart in good order, $450 in money. Remarks: This applicant desires (25) twenty five acres of land located if possible in Parish of Jefferson.

5. Names of applicants: David Curley, a Freedmen. Residence and Date: St. Bridgett Plantation, Parish of Terrebonne, La., Sept. 11th, 1865. Number of men: 15. Number of women: 12. Number of children: 5. Means: 70 barrels of corn, 7 mules & horses, some hay, 2 plows, harness, $500 in money. Remarks: This applicant desires (250) two hundred fifty acres of land located in the Parish of Terrebonne, La. Resides on Plantation St. Bridgett.

6. Names of applicants: John Simpson and Chas. Spriggs, Freedmen. Residence and Date: New Orleans, La., Sept. 11th, 1865. Number of men: 2. Number of women: 0. Number of children: 0. Means: The proceeds of 80 bales of cotton. Remarks: These applicants desire (100) one hundred acres of land located in the Parish of Jefferson, La.

7. Names of applicants: Alexander Francis, a Freedman. Residence and Date: Camp ?Pareper, Parish Jefferson, La., Sept. 9th, 1865. Number of men: 3. Number of women: 3. Number of children: 3. Means: Proceeds of crops which will be about $300. Remarks: This applicant desires (10) ten acres of land on Metarie Ridge near Half Way House, Parish Jefferson, La.

8. Names of applicants: Manuel Anderson, a Freedman. Residence and Date: New Orleans, La., Sept. 8th, 1865. Number of men: 1. Number of women: 1. Number of children: 3. Means: $155 cash. Remarks: This applicant desires (25) twenty five acres of land on Metarie Ridge if possible, Parish Jefferson, La.

9. Names of applicants: Lewis Clark, a Freedman. Residence and Date: New Orleans, La., Sept. 8th, 1865. Number of men: 6. Number of women: 0. Number of children: 1. Means: $200 cash capital. Remarks: This applicant desires (40) forty acres of land in any place where it can be given.

10. Names of applicants: Grandison Hunt for Freedmen. Residence and Date: Ranche Plantation, Sept. 1st, 1865, Parish Terrebonne, La. Number of men: 22. Number of women: 20. Number of children: 40 (twenty five families total). Means: $1,200 - $1,500 capital. Remarks: The applicant desires the whole of the Ranche Plantation (800 acres), Parish of Terrebonne.

11. Names of applicants: Grandison Hunt for Freedmen. Residence: Woodlawn Plantation, Parish Terrebonne, La., Sept. 1st, 1865. Number of men: 40. Number of women: 33. Number of children: 75 (36 families total). Means: $3 to 5,000, 30 mules and horses. Remarks: The applicant desires to have the whole of the Woodlawn Plantation (3,000 acres), Terrebonne, La.

12. Names of applicants: Grandison Hunt for Freedmen. Residence: Wm. Besland Plantation, Parish Terrebonne, La., Sept. 1st, 1865. Number of men: 44. Number of women: 37. Number of children: 47 (44 families total). Means: $2,000 capital. Remarks: The applicant desires to lease the whole of the Wm. Besland Plantation (800 acres), Parish Terrebonne, La.

13. Names of applicants: Walker Gilbert, a Freedman. Residence and Date: New Orleans, La., Sept. 13th, 1865. Number of men: 1. Number of women: 3. Number of children: 1. Means: Some. Remarks: This applicant desires to lease (50) fifty acres of land.

14. Names of applicants: Sandy Alexander, a Freedman. Residence and Date: New Orleans, La., Sept. 13th, 1865. Number of men: 1. Number of women: 1. Number of children: 7. Means: (2) Two mules, (2) two ploughs, (8) eight horses, and (3) gears. Remarks: This applicant desires to lease (90) ninety acres of land.

15. Names of applicants: Moses Shanden, a Freedman. Residence and Date: New Orleans, La., Sept. 13/'65. Number of men: 1. Number of women: 1. Number of children: 3. Means: (1) One horse and (1) one mule. Remarks: This applicant desires to lease (50) fifty acres of land.

16. Names of applicants: Henry Grimes, a Freedman. Residence and Date: New Orleans, La., Sept. 13/'65. Number of men: 1. Number of women: 1. Number of children: 3. Means: Some. Remarks: This applicant desires to lease 50 acres of Gov't. land.

17. Names of applicants: Scipio Haynes and David Hampton, Freedmen. Residence and Date: New Orleans, La., Sept. 13th/'65. Number of men: 2. Number of women: 2. Number of children: 6. Means: $100 cash, (30) thirty mules, plows &c &c. Remarks: These applicants desire to lease the Maning Plantation ( 1,250 acres) below Donaldsonville, La. Old hands at planting.

18. Names of applicants: Albert Jones, a Freedman. Residence and Date: New Orleans, La., Sept. 14th, 1865. Number of men: 1. Number of women: 1. Number of children: 2. Means: No Means. Remarks: This applicant wishes to have about (6) acres of land near Camp ?Parapel. An old hand at planting.

19. Names of applicants: Sandy Brown, a Freedman. Residence and Date: Parish St. Charles, Whitehead Plantation, Sept. 12th, 1865. Number of men: 6. Number of women: 0. Number of children: 0. Means: Proceeds of crop. Remarks: The applicant is desirous of obtaining (100) one hundred acres of the Whitehead Plantation, Parish of St. Charles, La.

20. Names of applicants: Henry Bryant, a Freedman. Residence and Date: Thibodeaux, La., Sept. 8th, 1865, Vick Plantation. Number of men: 1. Number of women: 0. Number of children: 0. Means: Proceeds of crop. Remarks: This applicant desires to rent (10) acres of land on the Vick Plantation, Parish of Lafourche.

21. Names of applicants: Benj. Brown, a Freedman.. Residence and Date: Vick Plantation, Parish of Lafourche, Sept. 8th, 1865. Number of men: 1. Number of women: 1. Number of children: 2. Means: (1) One horse and a crop. Remarks: This applicant desires to rent (20) twenty acres of the Vick Plantation, Parish of Lafourche, La.

22. Names of applicants: William Jackson, a Freedman. Residence and Date: Vick Plantation, Sept. 8th, 1865. Number of men: 1. Number of women: 1. Number of children: 2. Means: (1) One horse & Means to buy 1 more. Also a crop. Remarks: This applicant desires to rent (20) acres of the Vick Plantation, Lafourche, La.

23. Names of applicants: Louis Fargo, a Freedman. Residence and Date: Vick Plantation, Sept. 8th, 1865. Number of men: 1. Number of women: 1. Number of children: 6. Means: Proceeds of present crop. Remarks: This applicant desires to lease (20) acres of the Vick Plantation, Lafourche, La.

24. Names of applicants: John Nicololy & Isaac Cary, Freedmen. Residence and Date: Vick Plantation, Parish Lafourche, La., Sept 8/"65. Number of men: 2. Number of women: 1. Number of children: 5 (8 in family). Means: Crop worth $250. Remarks: These applicants desire to rent (40) acres of the Vick Plantation, Lafourche, La.

25. Names of applicants: Jonas Brown, a Freedman. Residence and Date: Vick Plantation, Lafourche, La., Sept. 8th, 1865. Number of men: 7. Number of women: 5. Number of children: 14. Means: (2) Two mules and 1 horse, share of crop on hand. Remarks: This applicant desires to rent (100) one hundred acres of the Vick Plantation, Parish Lafourche.

26. Names of applicants: Wm. Demery and James Busoir, Freedmen. Residence and Date: Vick Plantation, Sept. 8, 1865. Number of men: 2. Number of women: 2. Number of children: 1. Means: Proceeds of crop. Remarks: These applicants desire to rent (15) acres of the Vick Plantation, Parish Lafourche, La.

27. Names of applicants: Daniel Smith, a Freedman. Residence and Date: Leighton Plantation, Sept. 8th, 1865. Number of men: 1. Number of women: 1. Number of children: 0. Means: (2) Two mules and present crop. Remarks: This applicant desires to rent for the coming year (40) forty acres of the Leighton Plantation, Lafourche Parish, La.

28. Names of applicants: J. Larkin, a Freedman. Residence and Date: Leighton Plantation, Lafourche Parish, Sept. 8th, 1865. Number of men: 1. Number of women: 1. Number of children: 0. Means: Has no stock, has crop on hand. Remarks: This applicant desires to rent (20) acres of the Leighton Plantation, Lafourche Parish, La. Refers W. H. Gallup, Esq.

29. Names of applicants: Stephen Clabe, a Freedman. Residence and Date: Leighton Plantation, Lafourche Parish, Sept. 8th, 1865. Number of men: 1. Number of women: 1. Number of children: 8. Means: (1) One horse, plows & hoe, and crops in hand. Remarks: This applicant desires to rent (10) ten acres of the Leighton Plantation, Lafourche Parish, La.

30. Names of applicants: Samuel Banks, a Freedman. Residence and Date: Leighton Plantation, Lafourche Parish, Sept. 8/"65. Number of men: 1. Number of women: 2. Number of children: 0. Means: (1) One horse, money to buy (1) more and the present crop. Remarks: This applicant desires to rent (40) forty acres of the Leighton Plantation, Lafourche, Parish, La.

31. Names of applicants: William T. Sonman, a Freedman. Residence and Date: Leighton Plantation, Lafourche Parish, Sept. 8/ "65. Number of men: 1. Number of women: 1. Number of children: 4. Means: (2) Two horses and crop on hand. Remarks: This applicant desires to rent (40) forty acres of the Leighton Plantation, Lafourche Parish, La.

32. Names of applicants: Robert Butler, a Freedman (see no. 27). Residence and Date: New Orleans, La., Sept. 15, 1865. Number of men: 1. Number of women: 1. Number of children: 2. Means: No Means. Remarks: This applicant desires to lease (60) acres of land on the Logan Plantation, Parish St. Charles, La., old hand at planting.

33. Names of applicants: William Banks, a Freedman. Residence and Date: New Orleans, La., Sept. 14th, 1865. Number of men: 1. Number of women: 1. Number of children: 1. Means: Crop of vegetables. Remarks: This applicant desires to lease (25) twenty-five acres of land on Metarie Ridge.

34. Names of applicants: Miles Summerville for Freedmen. Residence and Date: New Orleans, La., Sept. 15/ "65. Number of men: 25. Number of women: 25. Number of children: 30. Means: (13) Thirteen horses and harnesses, (500) five hundred bbls. corn, (50) fifty hogs, (6) six head of cattle, and $600 in cash. Remarks: These applicants desire to rent (250) two hundred fifty acres of Gov't. land in Terrebonne Parish, La.

35. Names of applicants: Henry Spyse and other Freedmen. Date: New Orleans, La., Sept. 2nd, 1865. Number of men: 6. Number of women: 4. Number of children: 7. No. of acres wanted: (blank). Location: (blank). Means: No Means.

36. Names of applicants: Arthur Hill. Date: New Orleans, La., Sept. 4, 1865. Number of men: 1. Number of women: 1. Number of children: 1. No. of acres wanted: 40. Location: One mile above ?Tomica Bend. Means: (2) Two horses, 1 plough, 200 bbls of corn, 30 hogs, $150 in cash.

37. Names of applicants: August Adams and Dempsey Forbes, Freedmen. Date: Parish Ascension, La., Sept. 5th, 1865. Number of men: 1. Number of women: 1. Number of children: 3. No. of acres wanted: 100. Location: Aristide Landry Plantation, Parish Ascension. Means: Means stated as ample, have (5) five horses of their own and 5 Gov't. horses, 9 plows, 4 carts. From this present crop will have 800 bbls corn and 40 bales cotton. Remarks: They are now working the plantation applied for.

38. Names of applicants: Thos. Jones and brother. Date: Parish St. Charles, Sept. 12th, 1865. Number of men: 2. Number of women: 1. Number of children: 4. No. of acres wanted: 60. Location: Logan Plantation, Parish St. Charles. Means: Six hundred dollars in cash. Remarks: One of these parties has served 3 years In the U. S. Army.

39. Names of applicants: Lawrence Taylor. Date: New Orleans, La., Sept. 15th, 1865. Number of men: 1. Number of women: 1. Number of children: 1. No. of acres wanted: 1. Location: Common St. between Louisiana and Hagans Ave., New Orleans. Means: Twenty dollars cash. Remarks: Will plant vegetables.

40. Names of applicants: William Slater and Freedmen. Date: Parish Ascension, La., Sept. 18th, 1865. Number of men: 7. Number of women: 7. Number of children: 12. No. of acres wanted: 160. Location: Dugas Plantation, Parish Ascension. Means: Nine hundred dollars.

41. Names of applicants: Hardy Ryan. Date: Jefferson City, La., Sept. 13th, 1865. Number of men: 1. Number of women: 0. Number of children: 0. No of acres wanted: No Location specified. Location: (blank). Means: No Means specified. Remarks: Wishes forage and provisions for 50 men furnished til he can produce a crop, offers to pay ½ of first years crop.

42. Names of applicants: Willis Ross and 39 other Freedmen. Date: New Orleans, La., September 19th/65. Number of men: 40. Number of women: 40. Number of children: 50. No. of acres wanted: 2,000. Location: Pierre Rost Plantation, Parrish St. Charles. Means: 35 mules belonging to Govt., 35 plows & harnesses, 2000 barrels of corn and $3000 in cash, wish to raise cotton, corn and cane.

43. Names of applicants: Andrew Hollins, Freedman. Date: New Orleans, La., September 19th, 1865. No. of men: 1. Number of women: 1. Number of children: 1. No. of acres wanted: 25. Location: (blank). Means: Five hundred dollars cash. Remarks: Desires to raise corn, potatoes and cotton.

44. Names of applicants: George Smith, Freedman. Date: New Orleans, La., Sept. 9th, 1865. No. of men: 1. No. of women: 0. Number of children: 0. No. of acres wanted: 6. Location: Chappin Plantation, Parish St. James. Means: Thirty dollars in cash. Remarks: Will plant corn and potatoes or vegetables.

45. Names of applicants: Ezekiel Norwood and 88 other Freedmen. Date: Huston Plantation near Port Hudson, Sept. 10th, 1865. No. of men: 89. No. of women: (blank). No. of children: 14. No. of acres wanted: 500. Location: Huston Plantation. Means: 5 horses, 4 mules, 15 plows, 3 barrows, 30 hoes, 3 hogs, 50 shoats, $1,202.30 in cash and a crop of cotton, corn &c. which will sell for $2,500. Remarks: Desire to plant principally cotton and some corn.

46. Names of applicants: William Lucus and 5 other Freedmen (see no 64). Date: New Orleans, Sept. 9th/65. No. of men: 6. No. of women and children: 20. No. of acres wanted: 200. Location: Laurel Valley Plantation, Parish Lafourche. Means: (blank).

47. Names of applicants: George Porter, Freedman. Date: New Orleans, Sept. 19th, 1865. No. of men: 1. No. of women: 0. No. of children: 0. No. of acres wanted: 10. Location: (blank). Means: Twenty dollars cash. Remarks: Will plant corn and vegetables.

48. Names of applicants: James Gibbs, Freedman. Date: New Orleans, Sept. 19th, 1865. No. of men: 1. No. of women: 1. No. of children: 0. No. of acres wanted: 2. Location: Chappin Plantation, Parish St. James. Means: Twenty dollars cash. Remarks: Will plant corn and vegetables.

49. Names of applicants: E. Chase, Freedman. Date: New Orleans, Sept. 20th, 1865. No. of men: 2. No. of women: 2. No. of children: (blank). No. of acres wanted: 3. Location: Metarie Ridge. Means: Has no Means. Remarks: Will plant cotton and corn, desires to take immediate possession.

50. Names of applicants: Isaac Longman, Freedman. Date: New Orleans, Sept. 20th, 1865. No. of men: 3. No. of women: 2. No. of children: 1. No. of acres wanted: 60. Location: Thurston Place near Port Hudson. Means: 4 acres cotton, corn &c. Remarks: Will plant cotton, corn &c &c.

51. Names of applicants: John Petteway and Thos. Blakely, Freedmen. Date: New Orleans, Sept. 2nd, 1865. No. of men: 2. No. of women: 2. No. of children: (blank). No. of acres wanted: 20. Location: Near New Orleans on Hatch Plantation, Parish of Jefferson. Means: $300 cash. Remarks: Will plant corn, potatoes and cotton. T. Blakely is a discharged U.S. Soldier. Apply for the dwelling house on the place.

52. Names of applicants: Selden Bazeal, Freedmen. Date: New Orleans, Sept. 21st, 1865. No. of men: 1. No. of women: 1. No. of children: (blank). No. of acres wanted: 40. Location: Bragg Plantation, Parish Lafourche. Means: 9 hogs, $105 in cash due by U.S. Govt. Remarks: Will plant cotton and corn.

53. Names of applicants: Ben Field and Jane Drew, Freedmen. Date: Dr. Fox Plantation, Parish of Plaquemine, Sept. 20th, 1865. No. of men: 2. No. of women: 2. No. of children: 1. No. of acres wanted: 30. Location: Dr. Fox Plantation, Parish of Plaquemine. Means: Have 2 horses, 3 carts, $150.00 in cash.

54. Names of applicants: Frank Glover and others, Freedmen (see no. 1). Date: Upper Whitehead Plantation, Parish St. John the Baptiste, Sept. 20th, 1865. No. of men: 50. No. of women: 39. No. of children: 61. No. of acres wanted: 1,000. Location: Upper Whitehead Plantation, Parish St. John the Baptiste. Means: Two thousand five hundred dollars in cash. Remarks: Ask for the use of the stock now on the place belonging to Govt., will plant cotton, corn and cane.

55. Names of applicants: Edward Jackson, Freedman. Date: Thibodeaux, La., Sept. 30th, 1865. No. of men: 1. No. of women: 0. No. of children: 1. No. of acres wanted: 20. Location: Leighton Williams Plantation, Parish Lafourche. Means: $100 in cash and a crop raised this year. Remarks: Has worked many years on this place.

56. Names of applicants: Manuel Morgan. Date: Thibodeaux, LA., Sept. 8th, 1865. No. of men: 1. No. of women: 1. No. of children: 1. No. of acres wanted: 30. Location: Leighton V. Williams Plantation, Parish Lafourche. Means: Two mules, a crop worth $100 and $100 due from his present employer.

57. Names of applicants: Jack Jesiman. Date: Thibodeaux, La., Sept. 12th, 1865. No. of men: 1. No. of women: 1. No. of children: 1. No. of acres wanted: 40. Location: Robert Tucker Plantation, Parish Lafourche. Means: One mule, one horse and $200. Remarks: Has lived on the place many years.

58. Names of applicants: Peter Mathews and 9 others, Freedmen. Date: Thibodeaux, La., Sept. 18th, 1865. No. of men: 9. No. of women: 9. No. of children: 23. No. of acres wanted: 360. Location: Geo. Tucker Plantation, Parish Lafourche. Means: 6 mules, one horse, a crop of cane worth $4,000, 70 acres of corn, 25 cotton, 20 potatoes. Remarks: cultivated a part of the place this year.

59. Names of applicants: David Singleton, Freedman. Date: Thibodeaux, La., Sept. 22nd, 1865. No. of men: 1. No. of women: 1. No. of children: 0. No. of acres wanted: 20. Location: Johnson or Tucker Plantations, Parish Lafourche. Means: 1 Horse, a share worth $200 in a crop of cane, corn, potatoes, hogs, etc. Remarks: Has a son in U.S. Army.

60. Names of applicants: Isaac Goodrich, Freedman. Date: Thibodeaux, La., Sept. 22nd, 1865. No. of men: 1. No. of women: 1. No. of children: 0. No. of acres wanted: 30. Location: Johnson or Tucker Plantation, Parish Lafourche. Means: Share worth $200 in a crop of cane & cotton, besides corn, potatoes, hogs &c. Remarks: Has a son in U.S. Army.

61. Names of applicants: Abraham Taylor, Freedman. Date: Thibodeaux, La., Sept 22nd, 1865. No. of men: 1. No. of women: 1. No. of children: 2. No. of acres wanted: 30. Location: Johnson or Tucker Plantation, Parish Lafourche. Means: Share worth $200 in a crop of cane & cotton, besides corn, potatoes, hogs &c.

62. Names of applicants: Abraham Beasle, Freedman. Date: Thibodeaux, La., Sept. 22nd, 1865. No. of men: 1. No. of women: 1. No. of children: 1. No. of acres wanted: 20. Location: R. Tucker Plantation, Parish Lafourche. Means: $100 in cash. Remarks: Has been 2 years in U.S. Army.

63. Names of applicants: Josiah Powell, Freedman. Date: Thibodeaux, La., Sept. 22nd, 1865. No. of men: 1. No. of women: 1. No. of children: 1. No. of acres wanted: 20. Location: R. Tucker Plantation, Parish Lafourche. Means: One mule and share of cotton crop worth $200, corn, potatoes, hogs &c.

64. Names of applicants: William Lucas, Freedman (see no. 46). Date: Thibodeaux, La., Sept. 22nd, 1865. No. of men: 1. No. of women: 1. No. of children: 0. No. of acres wanted: 40. Location: R. Tucker or Johnson Plantation, Parish Lafourche. Means: $70 due him for labor, 2 acres corn, potatoes, hogs &c.

65. Names of applicants: Henry Beander, Freedman. Date: Thibodeaux, La., Sept. 22, 1865. No. of men: 1. No. of women: 1. No. of children: 2. No. of acres wanted: 40. Location: Tucker or Johnson Plantations, Parish Lafourche. Means: One horse, $70 in cash, a share worth $200 in a crop of cotton & cane besides corn, potatoes, hogs &c.

66. Names of applicants: Charles Hatton, Danl. Robinson and 8 others, Freedmen. Date: Thibodeaux, La., Sept. 22nd, 1865. No. of men: 10. No. of women: 10. No of children: 25. No. of acres wanted: 250. Location: R. Tucker of Johnson Plantations, Parish Lafourche. Means: Nine horses, one mule, a crop of cane and cotton estimated worth $4,000. Individual crops of corn, potatoes &c., hogs, fowls, etc.

67. Names of applicants: John Gooseberry, Freedman. Date: New Orleans, La., Sept. 22nd, 1865. No. of men: 1. No. of women: 1. No. of children: 2. No. of acres wanted: 40. Location: Rost Home Colony. Means: One horse, one mule, $500 due him. Remarks: Is now Foreman at the colony.

68. Names of applicants: Milton Morris and 5 others, Freedmen. Date: New Orleans, Sept. 27th, 1865. No. of men: 6. No. of women: 6. No. of children: 15. No. of acres wanted: 100. Location Ashland Plantation, Parish Ascension. Means: One horse, 2 carts, 2 plows, $500 cash in hand, 300 bbls. corn, 2 ½ acres cotton. Remarks: Will raise cotton and corn.

69. Names of applicants: William Harrison and 5 others, Freedmen. Date: Donaldsonville, La., Sept. 24th, 1865. No. of men: 6. No. of women: 6. No. of children: 3. No. of acres wanted: 300. Location: Le Blanc Plantation, Parish Ascension. Means: A crop of cotton worth $5,000, a quantity of corn. Remarks: Ask that stock on the "Point" Homas & Hermitage Plantations belonging to the Le Blanc Plantation be returned in case application is granted.

70. Names of applicants: Madison Young and 33 others, Freedmen. Date: New Orleans, La., Sept. 28th, 1865. No. of men: 33. No. of women: 56. No. of children: 42. No. of acres wanted: 1,944. Location: Ashland Plantation, Parish Terrebonne. Means: 28 Horses, 6 mules belonging to the Govt., 5 cows, 7 calves, sheep &c., wagons &c., cash capital of $3,000. Remarks: Will plant corn, cotton, potatoes & rice.

71. Names of applicants: Stephen Dickson & 27 others, Freedmen. Date: New Orleans, La., Sept. 28th, 1865. No. of men: 28. No. of women: 30. No. of children: 50. No. of acres wanted: 800. Location: Ranche Plantation, Parish Terrebonne. Means: 2 Govt. mules, 8 cows, 12 calves, 13 plows, hoes &c &c. Cash capital of between $1,200 and $1,500. Remarks: Will plant cane, cotton, corn &c.

72. Names of applicants: Roman Dabon, Freedman. Date: New Orleans, La., Sept. 28th, 1865. No. of men: 1. No. of women: 1. No. of children: 2. No. of acres wanted: 300. Location: Lee Plantation, Parish Orleans. Means: 7 Horses, 2 carts, plows &c., $100 in silver. Remarks: Will plant cotton, corn, vegetables &c.

73. Names of applicants: Joseph Banks and 10 others, Freedmen. Date: New Orleans, La., Sept. 30th, 1865. No. of men: 11. No. of women: 12. No. of children: 19. No. of acres wanted: 440. Location: Ranson Plantation or a part of Lone Starr, Parish St. Charles. Means: 1 Horse, $1,600 cash capital. Remarks: Desire to raise cotton, corn &c.

74. Names of applicants: Samuel Allston and 5 others, Freedmen. Date: New Orleans, La., Oct. 2nd, 1865. No. of men: 7. No. of women: 7. No. of children: 19. No. of acres wanted: 60. Location: Dugas Plantation, Parish Ascension. Means: $400 cash capital. Remarks: Desire a portion of the quarters, will plant cotton, sugar and corn.

75. Names of applicants: William Parker and John Shore, Freedmen. Date: Star Plantation, Parish of Plaquemine, Sept. 30th, 1865. No. of men: 2. No. of women: 3. No. of children: 1. No. of acres wanted: 30. Location: Star Plantation, Parish of Plaquemine. Means: Two horses, one cart, $100.00 in money.

76. Names of applicants: John Allen and Elijah Johnson, Freedmen. Date: Star Plantation, Parish of Plaquemine, Sept. 23rd, 1865. No. of men: 2. No. of women: 2. No. of children: 6. No. of acres wanted: 40. Location: Star Plantation, Parish of Plaquemine. Means: Two horses, one cart and $200.00 in money.

77. Names of applicants: Levi Gerden, Freedman. Date: Baton Rouge, La., Sept. 17th, 1865. No. of men: 1. No. of women: 0. No. of children: 8. No. of acres wanted: 50. Location: ----. Means: No Means.